Right now can be a scary time to think about retirement. It can also be the most important time to contact a retirement professional like Andy Barkate to ensure that you are doing everything you can to plan for your financial future.
Working for a family business I know how stressful it can be to consider what will happen the day you are ready to retire. Andy Barkate specializes in small business and individual retirement plans so he can help with both your personal and business planning.
Whether or not you are concerned about retirement in the near future it can't hurt to have a plan. It is important to not only implement an initial process of saving and investing but also to manage that plan if you want to continue toward long term success. Consider not only savings plans but tax deferrals and benefits that arise from long range planning. Andy Barkate has several offices in California that will discuss your current objectives and review the plans you have now to ensure that you are prepared for your future.
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