Friday, February 20, 2009

Books on Disease - Dr. Paul Offit

As a mom and an avid reader I am always looking for new information on ways to keep my kids healthy. Part of this project is to stay informed about current medical news, which can be quite a project on its own. Dr. Paul Offit is the author of a number of books that specifically address current medical research and how it relates to our general social health.

Paul Offit is the Chief of the Division of Infectious Diseases and the Director of the Vaccine Education Center at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. His books are all relatively recent (one is in its third edition as of 2003) reviews of the roles of antibiotics and vaccines in contemporary health care.

Most interesting to me is Paul Offit's most current text addresses the current controversy surrounding the possibility of a link between vaccines and the development of childhood autism. I have been following the news closely and this is the most current medical text available on the subject (from Columbia Press, 2008). Although there is a lot of information available on the subject, the availability of a published and informative medical text to the general public is a great resource for anyone who has kids.

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