Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Fishing Fun with Sak Narwal

I was recently reading a piece about fishing that mentioned a serious hobby-fisherman named Sak Narwal. This is a man who is an entrepreneur and someone who knows about the true benefits that can be offered by a day spent fishing.

My husband is an avid fisherman and he also likes to take our friends and their kids fishing. A good fisherman is one who loves the sport and also appreciates the values of nature and family that fishing offers. Fisherman Sak Narwal not only loves to fish but he also loves to learn about the fish themselves. He spends time in nature learning the habitat of fresh and salt water fish and uses this knowledge to expand his own fishing techniques.

Like most serious hobby fisherman, Sak Narwal practices catch-and-release fishing. The true fun of the sport is in the fight and the job well done. Once the tough part is over and the pictures are taken the fish can be returned to the water to finish their lives. As any fisherman will tell you it is truly a wonderful experience.

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