Monday, January 19, 2009

Photo Books

It is pretty common these days to use online photo sharing sites. In fact, most of my family no longer prints photos on a regular basis. The disadvantage to this is that you don't have a book sitting around that others (or you - if you're the nostalgic type) can flip through on a whim. The upshot is that you don't have photos falling out all over the place and no longer have to deal with those annoying "sticky pages" that used to be all the rage in photo albums.

The best of both worlds for our house has become printed photo books. It is very easy to upload your digital photos and to order a print copy. Sure, you can buy some blanks and print them yourself if you have a photo printer but the options available for ordering one are amazing. I get one once a year with our family photos and have it bound in leather so it's nice to have sitting around.

The kids love it and I don't have to worry about the photos falling out or getting lost. So far I've had great results with My Publisher so I'd recommend them in a second. Whoever you try out the software should be easy to use and it's actually a fun project. Let me know how it goes!

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